Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The clock is always ticking.

Are you the type of child who always finds stuff to wear/use every time you miss your parents either mommy or daddy?

Because I am!

Living apart from family since I was in university have made me realize that I am a family girl. Every time I miss home, the homesick hormone reminds me of the things I used to do with them, like:

  1. In the church – sat together on one row which was enough to fit the six of us
  2. On weekend – had dinner together at our favorite restaurant
  3. On holiday – visited  grandma; had pillow party with siblings on our way
  4. At home – gathered in my parents/ brother’s room or in the living room just to cuddle and talk
  5. When sick – got back rub from parents and ate favorite meals cooked by them
  6. Host an event at home – hand-in-hand helped each other to prepare stuffs needed for the event. We made the impossible happened.
  7. Karaoke – Well, while my younger-yet-so-hip sister really enjoys karaoke, it has never been a thing for me and my brother. Every time we went out for karaoke, we would use our typical Bataknese voice volume combined with the musical quality from our own throat. There was no need to use microphones. We sang like crazy especially when the power was off.

…and so much more stories!

Why did I write this? To encourage you and me especially youngsters nowadays, to use your time wisely especially the one you had with your family. Learn to savor every single moment with them. No matter what kind of background you came from, what circumstances you are going through, your family is precious and therefore, the time you spend with them is priceless.

Despite those sweet times I had with my family, I am a liar if I say that we never stiff-necked each other. We had situations within our family – the difficult ones. Even so, we somehow managed to get through every single one of those hardships.

Maybe the family you are having now is not the one you have always wanted. You feel like something is not right within your family. I am here to tell you that yes, something might have gone wrong with your family. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that God has mistaken giving you them as family. Maybe the God, through the Holy Spirit, wants to use you to bring your family back to what they are supposed to be. Maybe your presence within your family is as God’s representative of whom God is going to use to grow your family becoming a loving, healthy and nurturing one. If so, do you still want to waste your time, throwing all the excuses for you to start a more quality time with them? Are you still going to say ‘wait’?

Remember that the clock is always ticking.


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